Kendal Van Dyke


5 Free Data Analysis Books to Kickstart Your Career


Dreaming of a data analyst career but feeling a little lost? Already playing with...

PostgreSQL error in Fabric Pipelines – No pg_hba.conf Entry for Host


I came across a bit of a weird error when I was trying to...

How I Effortlessly Dockerize Python-Based AWS Lambda Functions


As a Software Engineer, i would like to learn how to dockerize my Python...

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Is Perfect Software Attainable?

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

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SQL DB migration

By ShuaibV

Hi I am New To Azure Sql.  Can some one please share  If we...

Contained Availability Groups - Failover Questions.

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Hi I am considering creating Contained Availability Groups in my production environment. Thinking I...

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Question of the Day

Multi-Database Marked Transactions

I run a marked transaction across multiple databases with this code:

BEGIN TRAN onemorenewdbTran WITH MARK 'mark from 3 dbs'
USE sandbox2
INSERT dbo.AddressTable
  (AddressID, AddressValue, AddressPostal)
  (12, '123 three St', '4444')
USE sandbox3
INSERT dbo.Logger (logdate, logmsg) VALUES (GETDATE(), 'tran message')
INSERT sandbox4.dbo.logger (uid) VALUES (700)
COMMIT TRAN onemorenewdbTran
How many marks are inserted into msdb.dbo.logmarkhistory?

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