Review of Review of SQL Server 2000 Administrators' Companion
Nice write up on the Admin Companion. Should you add it to your bookshelf? Frank offers his frank opinion.
4,133 reads
Nice write up on the Admin Companion. Should you add it to your bookshelf? Frank offers his frank opinion.
4,133 reads
The script creates a stored procedure which lists all permissions on a given db on execution. Unlike other scripts it does not use a cursor. I have chosen the sp_* prefix as I have created it in master. Have fun!
507 reads
Frank returns this week with a good non academic overview of the different types of database models and some of the features/problems that are native to each.
11,125 reads
Frank gives us his take on Codd's Rules. If you're new to databases, this is the core theory that resulted in the development of RDBMS. If you're more experienced with databases, maybe now is a good time to return to the rules to see how you're doing!
20,392 reads
Frank has been part of our community for a while now, posting more than 1000 times (wow!) in our discussion area. He's decided to contribute more of his time by putting together an article that discusses how SQL has evolved.
10,747 reads
By DataOnWheels
Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...
By Steve Jones
I was experimenting with a local model (article) and as a part of this,...
By Steve Jones
Redgate Monitor has grown tremendously from its early days and I find many customers...
At work we have quite a few databases that I'm frequently browsing. This is...
So I backup & restore db as db_copy. within both there is a proc...
I want to transpose sql table rows to columns. I have written a query...
What are the restrictions for defaults on columns declared as sparse?
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