Script to match patterns thru reg. expressions
Script for finding matching patterns using regular expressions syntax.Created by Eva Zadoyenezadoyen@ssd.com06/20/2002
845 reads
Script for finding matching patterns using regular expressions syntax.Created by Eva Zadoyenezadoyen@ssd.com06/20/2002
845 reads
If you sort by in ASC order by column that may include NULLs and empty strings ( if type is varchar), the records with nulls will always appear before any others.This script will show how to chagne this pattern and move all records with NULLs to the bottom of your recordset
209 reads
This procedure will return DEFAULT value for the parameter in the stored procedure. Usage: Use pubs go declare @Value varchar(30) exec _GetParamDefault 'random_password','@password_type',@value OUTPUT SELECT @VALUE Also accepts different versions, by default, if not specified, first version info retrieved. exec _GetParamDefault 'random_password;2','@password_type',@value
327 reads
This stored procedure will retrieve list of parameters for specified stored procedure.To check similar names,like 'myproc_xxx', pass any char in the second parameter(optional).
1,212 reads
This script shows how to get names of all stored procedures called from inside of specified stored procedure
713 reads
This script will list all stored procedures that are calling the specified stored procedure. Also could be used to find procedures that contain any specified expression or words.
1,003 reads
This script shows how to retrieve combination of different columns that may have nulls.
754 reads
Script showing how to count the number of Yes /No answers in the string Inspired by tip that didn't work on Microsoft website
535 reads
This script will show how quickly update records in one table with information from another or insert records if they are completely new.
2,199 reads
Following script gives an example how to handle errors inside stored procedure with returning information about type of error occured
1,681 reads
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What does this return?
SELECT x=1 WHERE (SELECT 1) IN ( 1, 2, 3)See possible answers