Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar has over 8 years' extensive working experience in database query development, design, supporting many different versions of MS-SQL. He has worked to develop efficient reports, index optimization for complex queries, and has finance and operation domain experience. He has also worked with SPLUNK and enjoys training technical and non-technical colleagues.
  • Interests: Database developer and designing

Blog Post

Find Most executed queries

,query_text = SUBSTRING(
(CASE WHEN QueryState.statement_end_offset = -1
THEN len(convert(nvarchar(max), qt.text)) * 2
ELSE QueryState.statement_end_offset
END - QueryState.statement_start_offset)/2)
,dbname = db_name(qt.dbid)
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats QueryState
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(QueryState.sql_handle) as qt


1,730 reads

Blog Post

Get all queries running against any specific table

/*Get list of all queries hitting any specific tables*/SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100ProcedureName = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(sqlTxt.objectid) + '.' + OBJECT_NAME(sqlTxt.objectid),SQLStatement = SUBSTRING(sqlTxt.Text,(QueryState.statement_start_offset/2)+1,CASE QueryState.statement_end_offsetWHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(sqlTxt.text)ELSE QueryState.statement_end_offsetEND...


3,038 reads


New Pluralsight Course - Certified Kubernetes Administrator - Working With Your Cluster


We’re working through the major refresh of my Certified Kubernetes Administrator series at Pluralsight! The...

Friday Basics: the CIA Triad


In information security (INFOSEC), there several foundational concepts and principles. One of the ones...

A New Word: the standard blues


the standard blues– n. the dispiriting awareness that the twists and turns of your...

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Question of the Day

The Marked Transaction

I want to mark a transaction in the log as a recovery point. How do I do this in my code if I use the transaction, myTran?

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