SQLServerCentral Editorial

Getting Colorful


https://www.imaginginfo.com/images/article/1201707597998_wet-paint.jpgThe other day I heard a phrase from a developer that I hadn't heard in a long time. He was describing a new feature that he was showing off and mentioned that it was "wet paint," and we should expect a few bugs in there. I always liked that as a good description of code that is under construction and perhaps isn't quite ready to be used.

I've also heard code described as "brittle" when it's not easy to change or "bulletproof" as the elusive standard to which we aspire. There's also the ever popular "vaporware" when something is announced that hasn't had any work completed as of yet. I know there are plenty more colorful phrases out there, so I thought I'd ask you this Friday:

What are some colorful phrases that you've used to describe software code?

I'm sure there are some good ones that you've come to know and love. Please keep it clean, but give us some of the fun monikers that your development team might use when talking about code that is either being build or is completed.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

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