• Matt Miller (2/14/2008)

    Except that rule doesn't work in this case:

    select getdate() from sys.all_columns

    We all know that getdate() is non-deterministic. But still - you will find that you get a repeating SINGLE VALUE down the line (run that with distinct if you want to see what I mean. Perhaps the rule needs to be restricted to user-defined only.

    Yes, the "rule" is regarding user-defined functions. And it is really more of a generalization than a rule. It is basically trying to predict optimizations that SQL Server will do. GetDate() is a built-in system function that behaves differently than user defined functions. The topic of converstion here is UDFs. Try that with an equivalent UDF.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetDate()

    RETURNS datetime



    RETURN GetDate();



    select dbo.fnGetDate() as dte

    into #temp

    from sys.all_columns

    -- notice distinct values, demonstrating that the function is called multiple times

    select distinct dte from #temp

    Regarding my previous example, did you run profiler with the SP:StmtStarting event selected? That is the only event necessary to see the behavior. When I run the select statement with the "non-deterministic" version (I put that in quotes because it really is determinstic but the lack of SCHEMABINDING leads SQL Server to identify it as non-deterministic) I see an SP:StmtStarting event for every row with TextData "RETURN @intA". When using the determinstic version (WITH SCHEMABINDING) the SP:StmtStarting with TextData "RETURN @intA" is only fired once (it helps to clear the profiler output in between).