Grouping and displaying of data

  • Hello Everyone,
         I hope I can explain this well enough.....

    I have a group on my report and looks like this when it is expanded:

    Group value
       ------                List value 1  -----           Date value 1
       ------               List value 2  -----           Date value 2

    the "-" is for formatting only...

    So, what I would like to do when the group is collapsed is to show it like this:

    Group Value-----------DateValue1----------DateValue2

    is there any way to do this?

    Sorry if it's not the clearest explanation .....

  • Maybe use a Matrix? hard to say without more details or a dummy dataset.

  • omg, I cant believe it was right under my nose....thank you!

  • LOL. I just did that yesterday... except it was above my head.

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