Help for SQL begginer

  • I set up a trial with MS Azure and was practising SQL on MS SQL Server 2016 using the sample database that comes with that. The trial has now run out.

    I have been looking for a sample DB so downloaded the Worldwide Importers sample, how do I connect it so I can use it or is there an easier way that I can continue using MS SQL Server for improving my skills?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • SQL Server Developer Edition is now free. You can download that locally.

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

  • Ah sorry I wasn't clear, I have the local version of SQL Server 2016, it's just that the Azure DB I was connected to has now run out (free trial wise), I wanted to reconnect to another DB so downloaded a sample one (WorldWide Importers), I just want to know how to connect to that.

    OR failing that how to use SQL server for practicing SQL.

  • Restore or attach the database you downloaded to your local instance (restore if you downloaded a backup, attach if you downloaded database files)

    To connect to your local instance, just enter your machine's name instead of the azure DB name in the management studio connection dialog

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for that. Sorry about posting on the other board, I posted before I had seen your response.

  • james.h291183 (1/6/2017)

    Ah sorry I wasn't clear, I have the local version of SQL Server 2016, it's just that the Azure DB I was connected to has now run out (free trial wise), I wanted to reconnect to another DB so downloaded a sample one (WorldWide Importers), I just want to know how to connect to that.

    OR failing that how to use SQL server for practicing SQL.

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

  • FWIW, if its a backup, it will typically end with .bak extension. For databases files, you will generally see an .mdf and an .ldf file for basic dbs.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Standing in the gap between Consultant and is my SQL Log File HUGE?!?![/url]The future of the DBA role...[/url]SQL Security Model in Plain English[/url]

  • It does end .bak, how do you restore a file?

  • james.h291183 (1/6/2017)

    It does end .bak, how do you restore a file?

    RESTORE. Or use the GUI in SSMS. I recommend the former, since you can tweak it more easily and reuse it as many times as you like. If you're struggling with the syntax, you can use the wizard and click on the Script button instead of running the restore. Please post back if there's any particular aspect of the RESTORE statement you don't understand.


  • Ah okay, that would require me to get past the connection screen wouldn't it.

    At the moment, I just get an error message as the connection is looking to point at the old Azure connection I had, which has since expired.

    I have tried using my machine as the server, which also isn't working.

  • See also: for a step-by-step guide

    (in this instance, "the target SQL Server instance" should be your local machine name). EDIT: or not, just saw your last post.

  • You'll need SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Point it at the local version of SQL Server 2016 that you mentioned earlier. When you've connected to that, you'll be able to do the restore, assuming you have sufficient privileges.


  • Does it work if you just put a dot in?

  • As in a . (period if you're American?)

  • Dot is fine....I'm in the UK 🙂

    At the moment it is just connecting, I reckon I could do the restore once I am beyond that.

    I'm a bit confused as to what to enter for each of the below, I have tried server name is JamesPC\James and just JamesPC (which is the name of my machine, but no luck);

    Server Type

    Server Name




    Currently it is just my Azure subscription details showing to connect, which obviously won't work.

    If anyone is happy to Skype and I will share my screen then that would be good.

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