What is the Best Way for Comparing Datetime value in SQLSERVER 2000?

  • I have create a user define function which takes datetime(in my application  I need only date not time) value as a parameter. Form my front end application I am invoking this function as follows:


      Qry1 = "select dbo.sf_Monthlyconsumption ('" & Format(sDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "', '" & Format(eDate, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'  )


    That is I am passing date parameter as “yyyy-dd-mm” format,


    Now at my function  when I am comparing this parameter date with my table’s column date

    I am using this as follows (without having any conversion) :


                 select @qty=isnull(sum(line.totalQty),0)                      

                         from tbldeliverychallaninfoDetails as line 

                            where main.dcdate between @m_sdate and

                                           @m_edate and main.deliveryfrom =@m_locationid and


               RETURN  @qty



    But some time my query hang when call this function, do I have to use convert function as follows.


                 select @qty=isnull(sum(line.totalQty),0)                      

                         from tbldeliverychallaninfoDetails as line 

                            where convert(smalldatetime,main.dcdate,121)  between @m_sdate and

                                           @m_edate and main.deliveryfrom =@m_locationid and


               RETURN  @qty



    Or I have to replace datetime parameter with char variable, that means:

    Monthlyconsumption(@sdate char(10),@enddate char(10))


    Which one is correct way  and faster, and what is the internal datetime format for sqlserver “yyyy-mm-dd”

    Or “dd-mm-yyyy”


    Can you help me on that?


    ..Better Than Before...


    Dont use the Between for datatime datatype .Instead of between use the datediff

    u try this qry

    select @qty=isnull(sum(line.totalQty),0)                      

                         from tbldeliverychallaninfoDetails as line 

                            where datediff(d,main.dcdate,@m_sdate)>=0 and


                                      and main.deliveryfrom =@m_locationid and                           line.productcode=@m_itemcode  

  • - I'd say this is not what I'd call a UDF. Transform it into a normal select.

    - remember a UDF works at row-level

    - "select isnull(sum(line.totalQty),0) 

            from tbldeliverychallaninfoDetails as line 

              where main.dcdate between @m_sdate and @m_edate

                 and main.deliveryfrom=@m_locationid 

                 and  line.productcode=@m_itemcode   "

    Should do fine. Analyse the query (show execution plan) and provide propre indexe(s).

    don't put a function on your column as this makes the predicate non-seargeble.


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  • hi,

    try it out.

    main.dcdate, ,@m_sdate , @m_edate must be in

    dd/mm/yyyy format.

    select isnull(sum(line.totalQty),0) 

            from tbldeliverychallaninfoDetails as line 


                 convert(datetime,main.dcdate,103) between

                convert(datetime,@m_sdate,103) and 


                 and main.deliveryfrom=@m_locationid 

                 and  line.productcode=@m_itemcode  



  • Which one is correct way and faster, and what is the internal datetime format for sqlserver “yyyy-mm-dd”

    Or “dd-mm-yyyy”

    Actually, it's none of these - the internal format is not readable as time and dates to us mere humans.

    The internal datetime is stored as two 4-byte integers - one int for the date and the other for the time.

    'yyyy-mm'dd', 'dd-mm-yyyy', 'dd/mm/yy' et al are all just display formats - they have absolutely nothing to do with how the data is actually stored.

    But, for simplicity and unabigouity, I use to recommend style 112 when working with dates (both reading and writing).

    112 is the ISO standard - yyyymmdd - it's the same all around the planet, and the one format that's least likely to be misunderstood.

    After all, which date is 01/02/03 really..?

    (only I know since I wrote it, and only I know which style to apply in order to deduce which is year, month and day


  • Hi,

     alzdba..sorry i was failed to catch your voice...

    What do u mean by:

    "- I'd say this is not what I'd call a UDF."

    "remember a UDF works at row-level "

    I would be happy if you explain it


    ..Better Than Before...

  • - I'd only use a udf if there 's a need to be able to use it as a column _in_ a select clause . all others should go for a stored procedure.

    Tends to be the same "discussion" as to datatypedetermination.

    maybe these can help to understand what I mean :

    - http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q303/3/43.asp?SD=MSDN&FR=0

    - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/dPriyankara/udfascomputedcolumnpart2.asp

    - BOL


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  • The best after me   integer


    cast(convert(char(20),your_date_column_name,112) as int)

    It can be easily controlled and is faster, much faster that any date or varchar datatype



  • hi Kenneth Wilhelmsson ,

    you are right , but i am facing problem about this date time  format,Let clear the scenario, my application is running on a machine where data format is dd-mm-yyyy And my server machine’s date format is mm-dd-yyyy (due to some unavoidable reason this cannot be changed).  When I call a function (which takes a  datatime data type as parameter) some time query hang. So  when I shall invoke the function what will be the date time format? Do I have to convert it? If I do not know in advance the date time format of server machine what will be my date time format for UDF’s datetime field.

    So to  avoid this problem, I have altered my udf’s datetime parameter  to char(10) and passing date as “yyyy-mm-dd” and when I need a comparison I use the following logic: convert(char(10),mydatecol,121)>@myparameter.

    But this is a string comparison…. And it takes more time(!) than date comparison.

    So I want to pass date time value to UDF what will be the right format that will solve my problem.

    Thx in advance


    ..Better Than Before...


    Create Function sf_Monthlyconsumption(@DD Varchar(2),@MM Varchar(2),@YY Varchar(4))

    Returns Table


    --change sysobjects with your table

     Return Select * From Sysobjects Where Cast(Cast(month(CrDate) as varchar(2)) +'/'+Cast(Day(CrDate) as varchar(2))+'/'+Cast(Year(CrDate) as varchar(4)) as DateTime) > Cast(@MM+'/'+@DD+'/'+@YY As DateTime)


    Select * from sf_Monthlyconsumption('12','4','2004')

    i think this will solve your problem


  • If time is your main concern, are you sure that a UDF will be faster than an inline conversion?

    If you don't know the datesettings on a server beforehand, then I don't believe it would be safe to not provide a date in the ISO format (style 112). You shouldn't have to convert the datetime column at all.


    SELECT myDateColumn

    FROM myTable

    WHERE myDateColumn = CONVERT(CHAR(8),@myparameter,112)

    ..should work - providing that the dateformat given in the parameter is not ambigous

    That is, if the server side has dateformat of mm/dd/yy and you send in 01/02/03 , but sender is meaning the format dd/mm/yy, then there is NO way that the server will know that the intention is the 1st of February instead of the 2nd of January.

    The calling side must always know how to phrase the datestring so that the server will interpret it as intended.

    I mean, given a date like 01/02/03 - which date is this, really..?


  • I always pass dates using the three character month. eg: 20 Apr 2004

    This way SQL will always convert it to the correct datetime regardless of the regional settings.

    This format is easily generated using 106, or 113 if time is needed, as the type parameter in the CONVERT statement.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • My SQL Servers are configured to DD/MM/YYYY format yet still interpret dates as MM/DD/YYYY when passed as strings and converted to datetime.

    See my post RE: Date Search for an example of this behaviour.

    Therefore it seems no matter what the server settings, SQL Server will always take 01/02/03 to be 2 January 2003.

  • This is not true - and I have been bitten by this a few times.

    Never ever use the literal forms - these are dependant on the regional language settings in order to be parsed as a valid date.

    ie if the server can't spell the month, it's not a valid date.

    Hands up all that have other spellings in their local languages for these months: May, Oct

    (hint - on a server with swedish regionale, it's Maj and Okt)


  • This proves how ambigous these dateformats with delimiters are, and how easy they can be misread.

    And you show in your other post how easy it can be to get the wrong dates when relying on the delimited formats.

    When I wrote 01/02/03, I intended it to be 1st of February 2003.. or maybe 3rd of February in 2001 (as the Japanese notation would suggest)

    The one and only style that holds up against language and datesettings is ISO (style 112) yyyymmdd

    ...my .02 anyway



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