External Article

How We Ate Our ​Own Dog Food​ To Level-Up Internal Testing with Redgate Clone

Most applications have large and complex databases at the back end, making it hard for developers to adequately test their work before it goes out. Having a fast, repeatable process to deliver data on demand is an essential part of an effective software development lifecycle, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction. In this article, we’ll explore the journey our own engineering team went on to leverage our own tool, Redgate Clone, to spin up short-lived database instances in containers for automated testing.

Technical Article

Top 10 Methods to Improve ETL Performance Using SSIS

Extraction Transformation Load (ETL) is the backbone for any data warehouse. In the data warehouse world data is managed by the ETL process, which consists of three processes, Extraction-Pull/Acquire data from sources, Transformation-change data in the required format and Load-push data to the destination generally into a data warehouse or a data mart.

SQLServerCentral Article

Transform your Winning team into a Champion Team

Businesses worldwide now operate on a team basis, and a high-performing team is crucial for high-performing organizations. Winning teams are more focused and better than regular teams. They focus on synergies and achieving significant results. They are an extension of regular teams with a higher sense of commitment to objectives and mutual purpose. Winning teams have a clear mission and achievable performance goals for each member, aiming for extraordinary goals. They are more committed to the vision and have a passion for achieving the mission. Winning teams work collaboratively to discover new work approaches, principles, and practices, focusing on decision-making, creative problem-solving, industry standards, and effective communication. They establish processes from beginning to end to complete tasks effectively. The difference between winning team and a regular team is very clear. However, what makes a winning team a champion team. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into the differentiating factors of a champion team from a winning one.

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Celebrate THEIR Accomplishments

I can't hide this in any way. I love it when I accomplish something. It's such a great feeling. Even more than that, I really do love getting some acknowledgement for it. Almost as good, is when I see others, especially friends and acquaintances, doing well. So many people I know, regularly just knock it […]


Are ABORT_AFTER_WAIT's victims logged?


In SQL Server, using the KILL command to terminate a session results in an...

Part 2: The Modern Azure Data Warehouse – ADF and ADLS


In today’s data-driven world, having the right tools to manage and process large datasets...

A New Word: Flichtish


flichtish – adj. nervously aware how much of your self-image is based on untested...

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I have few snapshot transactions, now i need to put noloc in all tables.

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Kubernetes is Cool, But ...

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Multiple Query Trace Flags

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Multiple Query Trace Flags

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Question of the Day

Multiple Query Trace Flags

I want to enable two trace flags, 4199 and 4137, for a single query. How should I do this:

-- A
, a.AddressLine1
, a.AddressLine2
, a.City
, a.StateProvinceID
, a.PostalCode
, p.FirstName
, p.LastName
  Person.Address a
  INNER JOIN person.Person AS p
    ON p.rowguid = a.rowguid
  City           = 'SEATTLE'
  AND PostalCode = 98104

-- B
, a.AddressLine1
, a.AddressLine2
, a.City
, a.StateProvinceID
, a.PostalCode
, p.FirstName
, p.LastName
  Person.Address a
  INNER JOIN person.Person AS p
    ON p.rowguid = a.rowguid
  City           = 'SEATTLE'
  AND PostalCode = 98104

-- C
, a.AddressLine1
, a.AddressLine2
, a.City
, a.StateProvinceID
, a.PostalCode
, p.FirstName
, p.LastName
  Person.Address a
  INNER JOIN person.Person AS p
    ON p.rowguid = a.rowguid
  City           = 'SEATTLE'
  AND PostalCode = 98104

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