
SQLServerCentral Editorial

On Being an "Expert"

I had the opportunity last week to present a session at DataSaturdays Stockholm. I can't say enough nice things about the event and the organizers. I presented on Query Store in SQL Server. In my mind, it's an entry-level to middle tier presentation. Most of the room was already working with Query Store, some quite […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Realities of Predictive Analysis

Or for short, “Why you have to play the game” “Don't tell me the odds”, cried out Han Solo just before doing something that seemed impossible. How on Coruscant did he do that? Well, as a certain director said about a certain floating door in a galaxy we all call home. ”It was in the […]

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How to give developers access to Query Store


Let’s have devs look at their own query performance. Yes, please, sign me up...

Sharpen Your SQL Skills: June’s Challenge Awaits!


This June, LearnSQL is throwing down the gauntlet with a fresh SQL Practice challenge....

Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

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The name of column index 9 is empty ADF

By erics44

Hi I am brand new to Data Factory I am getting the following error...

How to set execution timeout in SSMS for SQL Server Programmatically

By IT researcher

I want to set the execution timeout in SSMS Connection properties on the 'Connect...

The SQL Assessment API

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item The SQL Assessment API

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The SQL Assessment API

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