Technical Article

Open transactions on a database


Updated 06/03/2013:

-- Added database support to query a specific database.

-- due to this, i have removed mdsd.NAME AS 'Database with open Transaction'

-- Fixed some code which was causing the open transactions to display incorrectly.

-- Fixed the transaction isolation levels to show unspecified, read uncommitted, read committed, repeatable read, serializable and also snapshot.

Initial Release:

This script was produced due to slowness on one of our servers.

The slowness was caused by a transaction which was undetected due to a number of query windows being open.

this script will show you the following:

  • Computer/Host Name
  • Windows Username
  • Database which the transaction is being run from
  • Session ID
  • Number of open transactions
  • Date the query window was first opened.
  • If the query window is a user process or not
  • The transaction isolation level
  • Lock timeout of the query.
**The following script will show you   **
**    If there are any open transactions running on your database.    **
**    While running the below query if you find any query which   **
**    While running the below query if you find any query which   **
**is running for long time it can be killed using following command  **
**KILL [session_id]   **
** you could also open the query window and use the following command  **
**  RollBack Transaction   **
************************************************************************/DECLARE @databasename NVARCHAR(MAX)

-- select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases
SET @databasename = ''

SELECT DMES.host_name AS 'Computer Name'
, nt_user_name AS 'Windows Username'
, mdsd.NAME AS 'Database with open Transaction'
, DMES.session_id AS 'Session ID'
WHEN spn.open_tran = 0
THEN 'There are no open transactions currently running on the' + ' ' + @databasename + ' ' + 'Database'
WHEN spn.open_tran = 1
THEN 'There is 1 open transaction currently running on the' + ' ' + @databasename + ' ' + 'Database'
WHEN spn.open_tran = 2
THEN 'There are 2 or more open transactions currently running on the' + ' ' + @databasename + ' ' + 'Database'
WHEN spn.open_tran >= 3
THEN 'There are 3 or more open transactions currently running on the' + ' ' + @databasename + ' ' + 'Database'
END AS 'Open Transactions'
, RTRIM(CAST(DMES.login_time AS NVARCHAR(30))) AS 'Date The Query window opened'
WHEN DMES.is_user_process = 0
WHEN DMES.is_user_process = 1
THEN 'Yes'
END AS 'User Process'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 0
THEN 'Unspecified'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 1
THEN 'Read Uncommitted'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 2
THEN 'Read Committed'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 3
THEN 'Repeatable Read'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 4
THEN 'Serializable'
WHEN DMES.transaction_isolation_level = 5
THEN 'Snapshot'
END AS 'Transaction Isolation Level'
THEN 'No lock time out specified, the lock will expire when the transaction has completed'
THEN ' A Lockout Time of' + ' ' + CAST(CONVERT(REAL, (DMES.LOCK_TIMEOUT) / (1000.00)) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ' ' + 'Seconds has been specified'
END AS 'Lock Timeout'
FROM master..sysprocesses AS spn
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS DMES
ON DMES.session_id = spn.spid
JOIN master.dbo.sysdatabases mdsd
ON spn.dbid = mdsd.dbid
WHERE DMES.session_id = spn.spid
AND mdsd.NAME = @databasename
AND spn.open_tran <> 0


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