Technical Article

List all the fields of a table with its properties + PK


First: set @table_name

The script returns the next fields:

  • name: the column name
  • column_id: internal id of the column
  • size
  • precision
  • scale
  • is_identity: 1 indicates it's a identity field
  • is_nullable
  • type: (int, varchar, etc...)
  • user_type: user defined type
  • pk_ordinal: the ordinal if it's part of the PK

I use this script to automate the construction of all the procedures of a new table, view, insert, update, delete, select, ...

-- set @TableName before to use it
-- thanks to janis.l.murphy for adding schema name to the script

@ObjectFilter varchar(128)
,@SchemaName varchar(28)
,@TableName varchar(100)

set @ObjectFilter = 'your_table_name'; --Can be in the form on [schema name].[table name]
set @TableName = parsename( @ObjectFilter,1); -- Captures the unquoted table name
set @SchemaName = parsename( @ObjectFilter,2); -- Captures the unquoted schema name; NULL is handled

,cols.max_length as size
, as [type]
, as [user_type]
,(select key_ordinal 
  from sys.index_columns as ic
ic.object_id = (select parent_object_id 
        from sys.key_constraints 
        where type = 'PK' 
        and parent_object_id = cols.object_id)
and ic.index_id = (select unique_index_id 
from sys.key_constraints 
where type = 'PK' 
and parent_object_id = cols.object_id)
and ic.column_id = cols.column_id) as pk_ordinal
sys.columns as cols
left join sys.types as tipus
on tipus.system_type_id = cols.system_type_id 
and tipus.user_type_id = cols.system_type_id 
and tipus.is_user_defined = 0
left join sys.types as domain
on domain.user_type_id = cols.user_type_id 
and domain.is_user_defined = 1
where cols.object_id = (select object_id 
      from sys.tables 
      where name = @TableName
      and (@SchemaName is null or object_schema_name(object_id) = @SchemaName)
order by cols.column_id


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