This procedure helps to find the status of all the trigger (i.e Enabled/Disabled) for a given database. If no database name is provided then it uses the default database.
This script is tested on SQL Server 7.0/2000 only.
728 reads
This procedure helps to find the status of all the trigger (i.e Enabled/Disabled) for a given database. If no database name is provided then it uses the default database.
This script is tested on SQL Server 7.0/2000 only.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[usp_get_trigger_status]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[usp_get_trigger_status] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_get_trigger_status ( @dbName SYSNAME = null ) AS /************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ** Object Name:dbo.usp_find_trigger_status ** Author: Vaiyapuri Subramanian ** Date: 01/14/2003 ** Description: Stored Procedure for finding the status of triggers ** Where Used: Reporting Application ** Dependency: N/A ** ** Logic: ** ** Change Log: ** ** WHOWHENWHY? ** *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/BEGIN -- Set Nocount ON SET NOCOUNT ON -- use the current db if the @dbName is not specified IF @dbname IS NULL SELECT @dbname = DB_NAME() EXEC( 'USE ' + @dbname + '-- Variable Declaration DECLARE @triggerName VARCHAR(255) -- Declare cursor to get trigger name DECLARE triggerCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT [name] FROM sysobjects a JOIN syscomments b ON = WHERE type = ''TR'' -- Create a temp table to hold trigger name and status CREATE TABLE #trigger_table ( trigger_nameVARCHAR(255), trigger_statusVARCHAR(10) ) -- open the cursor OPEN triggerCursor -- Fetch the first value into a variable FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO @triggerName -- Loop thru the cursor and insert the trigger name and status -- into the temp table WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT #trigger_table SELECT @triggerName, CASE OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@triggerName), ''ExecIsTriggerDisabled'') WHEN 1 THEN ''Disabled'' WHEN 0 THEN ''Enabled'' ELSE ''Trigger not found'' END AS ''Trigger status'' FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO @triggerName END -- Close and Deallocate the cursor CLOSE triggerCursor DEALLOCATE triggerCursor -- Select all the trigger name and status SELECT trigger_name, trigger_status FROM #trigger_table -- Drop the temp table DROP TABLE #trigger_table' ) -- Set nocount off SET NOCOUNT OFF END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO