This script would help find primary key, foriegn key, unique constraints, check constraints on a table. With slight modification you can use it to find various information about a table.
728 reads
This script would help find primary key, foriegn key, unique constraints, check constraints on a table. With slight modification you can use it to find various information about a table.
select b.COLUMN_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints a inner join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.key_column_usage b on a.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = b.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG and a.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = b.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA and a.CONSTRAINT_NAME = b.CONSTRAINT_NAME wherea.TABLE_CATALOG = '<db Name>' anda.TABLE_SCHEMA = '<owner Name' anda.TABLE_NAME = '<table Name>' anda.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = '<constraint Type>' order by b.ordinal_position