Technical Article

Creating a CSV Parser in Apex


Salesforce supports the conversion of only csv files utilizing Apex. However if you use their LWC - js platform that provides wide options to bring in libraries to parse all kinds of file types.

Here in this script i would be providing basic idea of functions utilizing the parsing logic along with options to iterate through each row for validations.

public class CSVParser {
    public Integer index;
    public Integer eof;
    public String delimiter;
    public List<String> header;
    @testVisible private List<String> outputSuccessHeader;
    @testVisible private List<String> outputErrorHeader;
    * @description Initializes the file setting the end of file to the files length and its index to 0, and instantiates
    * the files header.
    */    public void start() {
        if (file == null) file = '';
        eof = file.length();
        index = 0;
        header = getRow();
    public String file {
    public String name {
    * @description Adds success and error columns to the header.
    * @param headers a List<String> of success columns to add to the header
    * @param errorHeader a List<String> of error columns to add to the header
    */    public void setHeaders(List<String> headers, List<String> errorHeader) {
        if (!new Set<String>(errorHeader).contains(errors)) {
        outputSuccessHeader = headers;
        outputErrorHeader = errorHeader;
        Set<String> existingColumns = new Set<String>(header);
        for (String column : headers) {
            if (!existingColumns.contains(column)) {
        for (String column : errorHeader) {
            if (!existingColumns.contains(column)) {
    * @description Retrieves the number of rows requested. 
    * If there are less than the requested amount the remaining rows will be returned.
    * @param rowCount an Integer representing the number of rows to recieve.
    * @return a List<Row> retrieved from the file.
    */    public List<Row> getRows(Integer rowCount) {
        List<Row> rows = new List<Row>();
        List<String> row;
        for (Integer n = 0; n < rowCount; n++) {
            if (index == eof) return rows;
            row = getRow();
            if (row.isEmpty()) continue;
            rows.add(new Row(row, this));
        return rows;

    * @description Gets a single row from the file. 
    * If the end of file is reached an empty row will be returned.
    * @return a List<String> representing the retrieved row.
    */    @testVisible
    private List<String> getRow() {
        List<String> row = new List<String>();
        String character = '';
        String cell = '';
        Boolean escapeCharacters = false;
        while(index != eof) {
            if (file.charAt(index) == 65279) {
            character = file.substring(index, index + 1);
            if (character == '"') {
                escapeCharacters = !escapeCharacters;
            if (!escapeCharacters) {
                if(character == '\n') {
                    if (isEmpty(row)) {
                        row = new List<String>();
                        cell = '';
                    } else {
                        return row;
                } else if ((character == ',' || character == '\t') && delimiter == null) {
                    delimiter = character;
                    cell = '';
                } else if(character == delimiter) {
                    cell = '';
                } else {
                    cell += character;
            } else {
                cell += character;
        return isEmpty(row) ? new List<String>() : row;
    * @description Returns a Boolean indicating if a cell in the row given has an empty or #N/A value.
    * @return A Boolean indicating if a cell in the row given has an empty or #N/A value.
    */    @testVisible
    private static Boolean isEmpty(List<String> row) {
        for (String cell : row) {
            if (!String.isEmpty(cell) && cell != '#N/A') {
                return false;
        return true;
    * @description Gets duplicates in the column given.
    * @param column a String representing the column to find duplicates for.
    * @return A Set<String> of duplicate values.
    */    public Set<String> getDuplicates(String column) {
        return getDuplicates(column, new Set<String>());
    * @description Gets duplicates in the column given.
    * @param column a String representing the column to find duplicates for.
    * @param foundCells a Set<String> of already found cell values.
    * @return A Set<String> of duplicate values.
    */    public Set<String> getDuplicates(String column, Set<String> foundCells) {
        Set<String> duplicates = new Set<String>();
        List<String> rowText = new List<String>();
        Integer startingIndex = index;
        index = 0;
        getRow(); // Skips the header
        while (index != eof) {
            rowText = getRow();
            if (rowText.isEmpty()) continue;
            Row row = new Row(rowText, this);
            String value = row.get(column);
            if (foundCells.contains(value)) {
            } else {
        index = startingIndex;
        return duplicates;
    * @description Gets the index of the requested column.
    * @param column a String representing the column to search for.
    * @param columns a List<String> of columns to search thgough
    * @return The index of the column.
    */    public static Integer getColumnIndex(String column, List<String> columns) {
        for (Integer n = 0; n < columns.size(); n++) {
            if (columns[n] == column) return n;
        return -1;
    * @description Joins the cells given into a csv format.
    * @param cells a List of String to turn into a csv.
    * @return A String representing the comma joined cells. 
    */    public static String joinCSV(List<String> cells) {
        List<String> csvCells = new List<String>();
        for (String cell : cells) {
        return String.join(csvCells, ',');
    * @description Retrieves a column from the List of Row given.
    * @param rows a List of Row to retrieve the column values from.
    * @param column a String representing the column to retrieve.
    * @return A Set<String> representing the values in the column requested.
    */    public static Set<String> pluckColumns(List<Row> rows, String column) {
        Set<String> cells = new Set<String>();
        for (Row row : rows) {
        return cells;
    public class Row {
        private final CSVParser parent;
        @testVisible private final List<String> cells;
        public final Set<String> errors = new Set<String>();
        @testVisible public Boolean isChild { get; private set; }
        * @description Constructor: sets up a child row from the row given.
        * @param other a Row representing the rewly created rows parent.
        */        public Row(Row other) {
            parent = other.parent;
            cells = new List<String>();
            isChild = true;
            while (cells.size() < parent.header.size()) {
        * @description Constructor: sets up a row from the cells and parent file given.
        * @param cells a List<String> representing the cells of the row.
        * @param parent a CSVParser representing the rows parent.
        */        public Row(List<String> cells, CSVParser parent) {
            this.cells = cells;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.isChild = false;
            while (this.cells.size() < parent.header.size()) {
        * @description Gets the value at the column requested.
        * @param column a String representing the column value to retrieve.
        * @return A String representing the value found at the column
        */        public String get(String column) {
            Integer index = CSVParser.getColumnIndex(column, parent.header);
            if (index == -1) return '';
            return cells[index];
        * @description Gets the value at the column requested.
        * @param column an Integer representing the cell to retrieve.
        * @return A String representing the value found at the cell
        */        public String get(Integer index) {
            return cells[index];
        * @description Gets the decimal value at the column requested.
        * @param column a String representing the column value to retrieve.
        * @return A Decimal representing the value found at the column.
        */        public Decimal getCurrency(String column) {
            try {
                return Decimal.valueOf(get(column).replaceAll('[\\$,\\ ]', ''));
            } catch (TypeException ex) {
                return null;
        * @description Gets the value at the column specified.
        * @param column a String representing the column to set.
        * @param value a String representing the new value of the column.
        */        public void set(String column, String value) {
            Integer index = CSVParser.getColumnIndex(column, parent.header);
            if (index == -1) {
                throw new CSVParserException('no column found: ' + column);
            cells[index] = value;
        * @description Generates a CSV from the values in the success headers.
        */        public String getSuccessCSV() {
            List<String> csv = new List<String>();
            for (String column : parent.outputSuccessHeader) {
            return joinCSV(csv);
        * @description Generates a CSV from the values in the error headers.
        */        public String getErrorCSV() {
            set(errors, String.join(new List<String>(errors), ', '));
            List<String> csv = new List<String>();
            for (String column : parent.outputErrorHeader) {
            return joinCSV(csv);
    public class CSVParserException extends Exception { }


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