Technical Article

Shrinking all log files on SQL Server 2008R2


The script can be use as it is. The code can be put even in a stored procedure without arguments and used in a job. It will shrink all LOG files for the databases created by users.

The script is designed to work on a sql server 2008R2. However it works on 2005 and sql server 2012 instances. 
It shrinks all log files for the databases created by users
Written by Igor Micev, 2012
*/declare @logname nvarchar(128)
declare @dbname nvarchar(128)
declare @dynamic_command nvarchar(1024)
set @dynamic_command = null
declare log_cursor cursor for
select db_name(mf.database_id),name 
from sys.master_files mf
where mf.database_id not in (1,2,3,4) --avoid system databases
and not like 'ReportServer$%' 
and right(mf.physical_name,4) = '.ldf' and mf.state_desc='online'
open log_cursor
fetch next from log_cursor into @dbname,@logname
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @dynamic_command = 'USE '+@dbname+' DBCC SHRINKFILE(N'''+@logname+''',0,TRUNCATEONLY)'
exec sp_executesql @dynamic_command
fetch next from log_cursor into @dbname,@logname
set @dynamic_command = null
close log_cursor
deallocate log_cursor


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