Viewing 15 topics - 279,526 through 279,540 (of 282,450 total)
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The result of the statement "select @@servername" is NULL. Why and what can I do to see the correct…
2 replies
I have two tables: tblData and tblChangeLog. Data is stored in tblData and changes to that data is …
2 replies
Does the forum have any opinions on the use of one trigger (on update say) which contains all logic…
2 replies
I am trying to isolate why my queries have stopped using a helpful index. I ran show_statistics on …
5 replies
I want to compare all the tables in 2 databases (production and development) and if there are any d…
3 replies
Hi guys, If someone knows how to initiate job execution, mostly consisting of series of conseq. Sel…
1 replies
Hey all- been asked to do something, and am having problems. First, my sql takes forever to execut…
1 replies
Is this possible to transfer or copy the procedures, triggers and constrains from ORACLE to SQL 200…
1 replies
Please help, I want to build the DECLARE CURSOR statement dynamically. Can anyone tell me how to do…
2 replies
Hello, I can not understand the use of Deny and Revoke, what is the difference?
1 replies
I know this is very SAD<g>, but can anybody advise me on where to buy SQL Server related stuf…
4 replies
I'm trying to write an osql script using xp_cmdshell. The test script that i'm trying out is: e…
4 replies
The following attempt to place a transaction lock on resource XXX always fails with a return value …
1 replies
Here's my problem... I have a DTS package that uses data from an AS400 to create a delimited text f…
1 replies
Is there a way to put a error handler in a stored procedure or trigger. (i.e. if i have a trigger t…
2 replies
Viewing 15 topics - 279,526 through 279,540 (of 282,450 total)