Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Debugging SQL Server

    I will write values to a debug_table to debug processing within a trigger. ex. create debug_table(code varchar(20), desc varchar(254))

    For stored procs, for simple debugging I use a print.

    For more...

  • RE: Copy Table Structure Without Data Using 1 Line Query

    Excellent. I use this method too but for temp tables.

    select * into #temp_table from perm_table where 1=2

  • RE: T-SQL: Why “It Depends”

    Just an honest real time sharing of information; you don't have to agree. Our conversion to logical indexes along with stored proc coding enhancements is making incredible improvements.... and we...

  • RE: T-SQL: Why “It Depends”

    We have many logical clustered indexes larger than this and do not experience page splitting. Our databases with the volume of data in them would not perform with a...

  • RE: T-SQL: Why “It Depends”

    Nice article with great statistics.

    Although in the real world, I would think that a table containing only distinct products would be available, and that on the SalesDetail table placing the...

  • RE: Clustered Index Analyser

    I do agree with Gail Shaw's articles about the indexes, but I did not read where he suggested to make the clustered unique index on the unique identity column of...

  • RE: Clustered Index Analyser

    Why would you cluster an index for an Identity column key? I understand a unique index on an identity key, but clustering is for organizing your data on the...

  • RE: Trigger Question

    You can add a temp table check at the beginning of the trigger like below:

    if object_id('tempdb..#skip_trigger) is not null



    Then on the occasions when you want...

  • RE: Which is better? SSIS or SSMA?

    We did not use SSIS. We found that bcp worked best to transfer data from Sybase to MS SQL with our thousands of tables and many being quite large,...

  • RE: Which is better? SSIS or SSMA?

    This past year we converted multiple instances of Sybase servers having eleven integrated databases on each to MS SQL, and we used the Migration Assistant as one of tools to...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)