Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Be Prepared

    This is SQL Forum, so put your political frustrations somewhere else.

    Windows Cyrillic, Code Page 1251 contains MACEDONIAN letters DIFFERENT than GREEK letters


  • RE: Permissions to run extended procedures sp_OACreate

    In fact using sp_OACreate and its sp_OA*** brothers

    can be very dangerous.

    The second argument that you can use against your developers,

    is that in YUKON sp_OA*** procedures will not exist.

    I'm developer so...

  • RE: Help the Novice

    You can see Sql books online, there is some examples like this:

    Use WHERE and LIKE syntax with Unicode data

    This example uses the WHERE clause to retrieve the contact name, telephone,...

  • RE: Exporting to a text file

    Use OSQL Utility


    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(256)


    SET @cmd =

    'osql -E -SSrvName -Q "EXEC "DB..Proc" -o c:\OutFile' PLUS @CurrentDate PLUS '.txt'

    EXEC ...

  • RE: Reading data from an XML File

    You can use SQLXMLBulkLoad (SQLXML3.0 SP1) in this way

    first you have to create table

    Customer (CustomerId int,CompanyName varchar,City varchar)

    Insertcustomers.vbs -- vb script

    Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad.3.0")

    objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=MyServer;database=MyDatabase;uid=sa;pwd=pass"

    objBL.ErrorLogFile =...

  • RE: sp_xml_insertfromxml

    You can use SQLXMLBulkLoad (SQLXML3.0 SP1) in this way

    first you have to create table

    Customer (CustomerId int,CompanyName varchar,City varchar)

    Insertcustomers.vbs -- vb script

    Set objBL = CreateObject("SQLXMLBulkLoad.SQLXMLBulkLoad.3.0")

    objBL.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB.1;data source=MyServer;database=MyDatabase;uid=sa;pwd=pass"

    objBL.ErrorLogFile =...

  • RE: Scheduling SQL Server Traces - Part 2

    Nice Thing

    This is similar procedure for starting trace

    that I'm using in daily processing.

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_startTrace


    DECLARE @TraceIdOut INT

    DECLARE @FolderTracenvarchar(128)

    DECLARE @FileTraceLikenvarchar(128)

    DECLARE @FileTracenvarchar(128)

    SELECT @FolderTrace = 'C:\FolderTrace\'

    SET @FileTraceLike = @FolderTrace + 'Trace%'


    (select count(*)...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)