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Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?


    Thank u very much - it did work:)



    If I'm understanding you right, you want the final output to be in column order from the original stored procedure.

    To do that, simply...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    THANX, I'm still havin' some troubles with this sp. At the moment I have the query that gets the result from another stored procedure (DRFExportOMC) and outputs all the column...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    Tnanx for the reply, it did work. ... but now I'm coming up with the following error:


    USE ct10002G


    select distinct * into #tempalex

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','N1244';'sa';'','exec CT10002G.dbo.DRFExportOMC @i_AltId = "0", @i_NelId =...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?

    Hi Greg,

    I've run into the same problem and when applying your solution I get an error message. Could u please take a look at it and give me a hint...

  • RE: Determining Stored Procedure Result Columns?


    Here is something I think might work for you:

    select * into #tmptest

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','<yourserver>';'<user>';'<password>',

    'exec sp_who ') AS a

    select column_name from tempdb.information_schema.columns where table_name...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)