Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Execution plan shennanigans......

    Lynn Pettis (6/12/2013)

    This arbitrary 3rd column is only for the final sort or does it also impact the select of the rows?

    Is this query contained in a stored procedure?


  • RE: Execution plan shennanigans......

    Lynn Pettis (6/12/2013)

    What is also missing is the DDL for the tables you are using along with the current indexes defined on those tables.

    Part of the problem you are having...

  • RE: Execution plan shennanigans......

    Hi Lynn,

    Firstly, thank you so much for spending the time helping out!

    The rewritten queries perform approx the same as my...

  • RE: Execution plan shennanigans......

    Ok, I'll modify my original question.

    Why does this first query perform so much worse than the second one?

    First query:

    with doc_index As

    (Select ROW_NUMBER() Over (Order By docdate desc, docid asc)...

  • RE: Execution plan shennanigans......

    Lynn Pettis (6/11/2013)

    Instead of posting pictures of the execution plans, how about attaching the actual execution plans (as .sqlplan files) instead. The pictures don't tell as much as the...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)