Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Un-Wired


    Some of us vacation at home, so you can turn off the cell and not check the email, but that's the TiVo you're about to unsuccessfully...

  • RE: A Good Case For Reference

    I hope you don't think I was referring to SQLSvr when I used the term "tacked on" in an earlier post. I was referring to the way SQL, or...

  • RE: A Good Case For Reference


    First of all, since you're a DB guy, I'll forgive your lack of awareness of spatial integration being the holy grail of the GIS industry for the past decade. ...

  • RE: Name Value Pair - Part II

    I've seen a mixed approach used with some effectiveness. If it's a traditional data structure, with balanced reading and writing, it's hard to mount an effective case to not...

  • RE: A Simple Mistake

    There's only 1 thing in programming of ANY kind that SHOULD be case sensitive, and that is the values being passed by your parameters, be they password values, form labels,...

  • RE: Historical Dollars

    No, I have never and would never include or offer a salary history. It's really none of any prospective employer's business.

    What IS important is your ability to demonstrate compentency...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)