Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: query to get all childs and grand children for a prent


    Here is the possible solution.

    create proc [dbo].[parent_child_relation]

    @childid char(1)



    ;with cte as

    (select Parent,Child from parent_child c

    where c.Child = @childid

    union all

    select c.* from cte p, parent_child c

    where p.Parent =...

  • RE: last value from string

    We can use left function also.

    Declare @sss varchar(100)

    Set @sss ='12,11,23,34,567,690,4,321'

    set @sss = reverse(@sss)

    set @sss = reverse(left(@sss,charindex(',',@sss) - 1))

    print @sss

  • RE: store results into variable

    You need to take a variable which is of Object data type whch stores all the records into variable

  • RE: SSIS Dynamic File Name

    Can you explain the requirement clearly. I am little confused. You want to move files as they come in...or what exactly you are looking for!!!

  • RE: Normalize a table query

    somebody provide sample data of table!!!

  • RE: Normalize a table query

    Try soemthing like this!!!

    select ID, [Description], Field =

    case when ID = 1 then Field1


  • RE: How to do Dynamic counts!

    Here is the sample query... for the above post

    select [Doc Name],

    count(case when [Start Date] between '2010-06-01 00:00:00.000' and '2010-06-07 00:00:00.000' then cast(RegID as...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)