Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 106 through 110 (of 110 total)

  • RE: data calculation


    You should used the between operator used to compare date.

    Declare @Date varchar(30),

    SET @Date = '20061024'

    you can used any date which fulfill your requirement.


    WHERE FieldName Between @Date + '05:05AM' AND...

  • RE: doubt


    have a look on the artical

    This will clarify you how SQL Server used cluster/non cluster Index.


    Hope this will slove you problem.


  • RE: Help for triggers...


    When ever you modify or insert the data in the tables, SQL Server  generate the two table ' INSERTED' , 'DELETED'...

    you can get any field values from these tables you...

  • RE: Conditional Delete


    You just need to apply the where class and hopefully it will work fine.

    Syntax look like this.

    DELETE FROM CustomPropertyIRemoteProcVersion


  • RE: Conditional Delete

    In you where condition you have'nt made the criteria for any field of the deleting table. If your where condition return true in any case it will delete all record.

    If the DateStamp...

Viewing 5 posts - 106 through 110 (of 110 total)