Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Report with 'checkbox diagram'


    This is what I wanted. I've converted it to my own report and it looks great!

    I also changed the "X" with the ServiceWindow, so I get 2in1. Many thanks.


  • RE: Report with 'checkbox diagram'

    For as far as I can see is your output just what I like to see.

    I can't see how you do it, the .bmp is not telling the information for...

  • RE: Need Help in SSRS Report

    What you can do is, modify your dataset by adding the next to your original select statement:

    select '-Not Available-' as BatchNumFrom, '-Not Available-' as BatchNumTo


    select ..........[your original selection]

    Make sure that...

  • RE: Getting combined data from two databases


    When I use the next code, it works! Thanks!

    select srelatie.naam,srelatie.adres



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging TDName

    on srelatie.debiteurnummer COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT =TDName.debiteurennummer COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT

    The collation of the Column "debiteurennummer" is not...

  • RE: Getting combined data from two databases

    When I use Alias, I've get the next error:

    Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AI_KS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

    I've checked the collation of the both Tables, but...

  • RE: Getting combined data from two databases

    Ok... I've created the linked server.

    But when I've query both of my databases, I get the error:

    The multi-part identifier "[am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging.debiteurennummer" could not be bound.


    select *



    inner join [am1-sqls03a\sqls03a].Topdesk.dbo.vestiging


  • RE: Group by and multiple where clauses on the same table

    I think I had the same problem. Look at:







    select vestiging.naam, count(*) as Aantal_Incidenten

    from incident,...

  • RE: Toggle column visibility - All columns or just 1 column based on parameter

    I've found the solution here in an article on SQL ServerCentral.

    I can use =IIF(Parameters!P_Dienst.Value="C1" or Parameters!P_Dienst.Value="ALL", False,True)

    If one of the values is there, then HIDDEN=False (The True value) otherwise HIDDEN=True...

  • RE: How do I create a report template?

    This is correct. When you create a new Project, the templates won't show.

    When you enter you newly created project en add a new report (not by wizard) then they will...

  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    I found a solution for my problem, so I'll share it with you guys 😉


    substring(,1,charindex('_',,1)-1) as Machine_Name,




    CHARINDEX('_', > 0

    This code will look at the length of...

  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    Thanks for the help. I'm going to try make it work!

    One difference, I've to delete the characters AFTER the _

    I hope this works the same way?

  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    In this case it's not always 4....

    The structure is always the same: aaaaaa_BBBBBBB

    But aaaaa can be a different length and BBBBBB also.

    I'dd like to get rid of the "_BBBBBBBB"...

  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    Related question:

    What if I like to do the same, but than on the right site?

    Query result (table)




    lose the _CUSTOMER, so the result is:




  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    COOL 😀

    It works! Many thanks and another sql thing learned!

  • RE: Remove characters from query result

    I got the next errormessage:

    Argument data type ntext is invalid for argument 1 of reverse function

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 40 total)