Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: %FreeSpace Alert in SQL 2005


    Which database do you run the query against? I created an empty DB but I am getting this error message

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5

    Invalid column name 'cmd'.

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    cmille19 (10/20/2009) (10/20/2009)

    cmille19 (10/20/2009)

    Let's try just running portions of the script to see if we can't find a problem. Save this PowerShell code to a script file (for example test.ps1)....

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    cmille19 (10/20/2009)

    Let's try just running portions of the script to see if we can't find a problem. Save this PowerShell code to a script file (for example test.ps1). Then execute...

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning (10/20/2009)

    cmille19 (10/20/2009) (10/20/2009)

    The error message I get is

    still get the following error

    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid object name 'server_spa


    At C:\BIN\Write-DbSpaceToDb.ps1:27 char:19

    + [void]$da.fill( <<<< $dt)

    I am...

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    cmille19 (10/20/2009) (10/20/2009)

    The error message I get is

    still get the following error

    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid object name 'server_spa


    At C:\BIN\Write-DbSpaceToDb.ps1:27 char:19

    + [void]$da.fill( <<<< $dt)

    I am running


  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    The error message I get is

    still get the following error

    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid object name 'server_spa


    At C:\BIN\Write-DbSpaceToDb.ps1:27 char:19

    + [void]$da.fill( <<<< $dt)

    I am running

    C:\BIN>Write-DbSpaceToDb.ps1 "IEOAK-SQL2005-B" "spacedb"

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning (10/15/2009)


    The command I am running is

    C:\BIN>write-dbspacetodb.ps1 'IEOAK-2005-B' spacedm &

    C:\BIN>write-dbspacetodb.ps1 'IEOAK-2005-B\MSSQLSERVER'

    I have tried different combinations, i have attached a picture of the table

    Does server name IEOAK-2005-B host the backend repository...

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    The command I am running is

    C:\BIN>write-dbspacetodb.ps1 'IEOAK-2005-B' spacedm &

    C:\BIN>write-dbspacetodb.ps1 'IEOAK-2005-B\MSSQLSERVER'

    I have tried different combinations, i have attached a picture of the table

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    I have tried


  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    My server name is IEOAK-2005-B, and I have a default instance installed

    when i run

    C:\BIN>write-dbspacetodb.ps1 'IEOAK-2005-B' spacedm

    I still get the following error

    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid object name...

  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning


    I am stepping thorugh the various steps, but when I try to launch the powershell scripts, I get the following error


    Exception calling "Fill" with "1" argument(s): "Invalid object name 'server_spa



  • RE: Database Space Capacity Planning

    Yes the script for the stored procedures is missing from the downloads

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)