Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)

  • RE: Select all records in current month

    I should have 7 rows. I already have a query that my business partner always asks me to run to check on client volume by whatever he feels...

  • RE: Select all records in current month

    Cadavre (12/5/2012)

    george.greiner (12/5/2012)

    I have to change a prior report which included all records in which DateFinished is in the last 2 weeks to all records in the current month and...

  • RE: Select all records in current month

    ChrisM@Work (12/5/2012)

    Can you post your original query, George? The last two weeks' version? Cheers.

    My original query was:

    SELECT PropertyInformation.BRTNumber, PropertyInformation.ClientsKey, PropertyInformation.ProductKey, PropertyInformation.DateFinished,


  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Eugene Elutin (7/14/2010)

    george.greiner (7/14/2010)


    I have been able to filter the A row but all subsequent lines pull all the records as they do not have a "DateFinished" column. How...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Eugene Elutin (7/13/2010)

    george.greiner (7/13/2010)

    Is it possible to use a WHERE clause using this method? If not what is the best method to query the files I need out as...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Is it possible to use a WHERE clause using this method? If not what is the best method to query the files I need out as this will provide...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    ;WITH outpQ



    SELECT 1 AS grpOrd, CAST(null AS VARCHAR(255)) AS posInGrp, 'A' AS Ord, CaseNumber, 'A|' + CaseNumber + '|' + CAST(BRTNumber AS VARCHAR(11)) + '|' + IsNull(LegalDescription, '') + '|'...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    ;WITH outpQ



    SELECT 'A' AS Ord, CaseNumber, 'A|' + CaseNumber + '|' + CAST(BRTNumber AS VARCHAR(11)) + '|' + IsNull(LegalDescription, '') + '|' + IsNull(replace(convert(char(10), CoverDate, 101), '/', ''), '') +...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Eugene Elutin (7/12/2010)

    george.greiner (7/7/2010)


    I was on holiday, so couldn't reply. Do you still have issues with your extract?

    Hope you had a great holiday! I still have issues because I...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?


  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    I got all the date conversions figured out now I jsut need to figure this next part out and this is done!

    I have ae key "interstID" that is passed from...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Eugene Elutin (7/6/2010)

    There are many different ways to do it with SSIS. It depends really on your preference and experience in it. SSIS is a tool designed for this kind...

  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    WayneS (7/6/2010)

    george.greiner (6/29/2010)

    Okay here is the data and tables you asked for assuming I did this correct.

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it


  • RE: Loop, Cursor or both?

    Eugene Elutin (7/2/2010)

    Yes, you need to convert everything into varchar (actually, you would need to do it anyway even using your cursors). Yes you can do it with money, numerics...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)