Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: How do you do DB builds?

    You're right. There isn't a well defined method of promoting between dev/test/prod. Probably because it depends so much on team structure and discipline.

    I build my releases from SourceSafe - I...

  • RE: When and how do you move changes to production?

    I maintain all my scripts in SourceSafe (or whatever source control my clients are using). Whenever changes are released to production, the source control is labelled.

    When it comes time to...

  • RE: Deploying Scripts with SQLCMD

    When I first needed to script my releases about 10 years ago, I started developing an app to do it for me. I have rewritten this app a number of...

  • RE: Push Those Logs Away!

    All good points. I'm a big T-SQL fan and therefore wrote something similar to ship logs to multiple other servers all in T-SQL. In addition you have the option of...

  • RE: The Dot Com Bust - Part 2

    In an attempt to get (sort of) back on topic...

    One thing is for sure, more people will implement (well or otherwise) SQL Server. Good for us who have chosen to...

  • RE: The Dot Com Bust - Part 2


    Is TSQL "simple" to learn? From some perspectives, undoubtedly, but such a statement begs numerous other questions.

    September 12, 2002 at 8:22 am


  • RE: The Dot Com Bust - Part 2

    I also agree with Lee and jonreade. T-SQL has a very simple syntax and few semantics (not sure if that's the right word) relative to VB's/C's... object models and programming...

  • RE: Using Bitwise Operators to Boost Performance

    Thanks for raising another interesting topic. I had never considered the performance benefits of doing things this way, but have used the method for other reasons (sometimes you simply don't...

  • RE: Coding Standards - Part 1

    Thanks for covering an often overlooked subject (by developers without team leaders anyway).

    The choice of convention is, well, a matter of choice. The main objective being consistency of names.

    I do...

  • RE: Version Control for Stored Procedures

    The topic is very much under-covered and even though I don't agree that your examples are ideal strictly for version control (they are good for other scenarios), I thank...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)