Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Row-By-Row Processing Without Cursor

    Another "we all hate cursors" article... I have to agree with Martijn's post on this one. Cursors, table variables, temporary tables, and so on... they are tools to be...

  • RE: A Technique for Determining the I/O Hog in your Database

    Excellent article!  Just one question:  as clearly stated in the beginning of the article, this technique should be used after all "commonly used" techniques have been applied.  Can we turn this...

  • RE: What is XML?

    "No argument there. My point is that XML languages (I feel like the GNU/Linux guy) don't do anything but markup text well. I can buy a car with dimes. Why...

  • RE: What is XML?

    Very good article!  Although there's a point I don't agree with:  XML is a markup language technology (as it's name clearly states), and as such, it can be used for...

  • RE: Technology for Fun

    ...and another one for Cryptonomicon. 

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)