Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Split String in SSIS

    Jack Corbett (3/19/2009)

    It can be done in SSIS, but you have to use a Script Component to do it. Within the Script Component you would use the Split function...

  • RE: Random attribute key cannot be found error

    I finally managed to get this problem resolved, so I figured I'd post the answer here in case anyone else has come across the same problem. It turned out...

  • RE: attribute key not found error

    Hi guys

    I am having the same error as describled above. I am getting the 'Attribute key cannot be found' error when processing the dimension only, which I understand it...

  • RE: Random attribute key cannot be found error

    Hi Stefan

    Thanks for your reply. I have done this already - tried to process the dimensions in Visual Studio, and I get the same errors. The problem is...

  • RE: Complicated Deduping

    Hi everyone.  Thanks for your help.  Ideally I wanted to avoid using a cursor or a loop, as it would require multiple passes anyway.  Below is the script I ended...

  • RE: Complicated Deduping

    Hey guys

    Thanks for your input so far. Sorry i thought I made it clearer in my initial post, but I'll explain it a bit further.

    Basically in the output I...

  • RE: Counting Customer Transactions

    Hi Steve

    Thanks for your thoughts also.  Essentially that's what we're doing at the moment.  Unfortunately creating the aggregate tables in the database require much more direct maintenance, and effectively doubles...

  • RE: Counting Customer Transactions

    Hi Stefan

    Thanks for your reply, but I'm afraid I don't think you quite understood what I was asking.  At the moment I have about 800,000 customers in the database, so...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)