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Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    Fandy08 (12/11/2015)

    GilaMonster (12/10/2015)

    Fandy08 (12/8/2015)

    So, definitively, the reason must have been bad plans after reorg of indexes

    No. Not bad plans. Plans which run more data through the UDFs than previously, resulting...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    GilaMonster (12/10/2015)

    Fandy08 (12/8/2015)

    So, definitively, the reason must have been bad plans after reorg of indexes

    No. Not bad plans. Plans which run more data through the UDFs than previously, resulting in...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    Orlando Colamatteo (12/8/2015)

    agree it is counterintuitive. rebuilding indexes amd stats (even if only a subset of stats) should not hurt things.

    any noticeable changes (increases or decreases) in data volumes on...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    Alan.B (12/8/2015)

    On a side note, and I don't know if "the sudden slow down" happened when after the scalar udfs were added, but Scalar UDFs kill parallelism. Often the whole...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    So, definitively, the reason must have been bad plans after reorg of indexes, it remains mysterious for me how could things go fast before, with fragmented tables and stale stats,...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    Yes, I checked, a few column statistics are older than those of indexes, do you mean Orlando that performance slow down can be caused by these differences on update date?

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    Thank you Gail, it must have gone like you said, unfortunately now I can't verify if the stats were stale before, I tried asking to developers the percentage of daily...

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    I rebuilt all indexes, non only PKs, that causes stats update automatically, is it true?

  • RE: Scalar functions sudden slow down

    More or less at the time the problem occurred I rebuilt PKs, things should have gone better, that's what I was thinking.

    That could have surely changed execution plans, but making...

  • RE: Can't remove BLOB data from datafiles

    I made some test with varbinary(max) datatype (instead of image) and the following sequence works, LOB data is released and canceled from database.

    So the problem is limited to (deprecated) image...

  • RE: Can't remove BLOB data from datafiles

    This is my situation

    table_name index_idtypetype_desc total_pagesused_pagesdata_pages



  • RE: M2M logins IP based access restriction

    Thank you all!

  • RE: M2M logins IP based access restriction

    I imagine this means that this feature doesn't exist ......

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)