• I have a requirement where I have to FTP a .txt file to my Users. NOW they want to compress the file size before doing FTP and send that zipped file. I know there is a way to do it. BUT HOW?

    Can someone provide me suggestions, where to find the solution. Or post somelinks. I have tried using Winzip through Execute process Task but for SOme reasons it is failing. I pointed to that WINZIP32.EXE file and Passed my Arguments in varaibales.

    IS there some scripts task that I can do to achive this?

    Or there is other way to do it?

    Any help is higly appreciated................

  • Have you read this

    Read All the way below

    I was able to zip mine using winzip command line and wrote some code in Script Task to call winzip command line and pass the arguments

  • Hey I went through all....Couldn't figure out................ALl this talks about Unzipping the file. In my case I need to ZIp it..........ans then send it through FTP.

    SO in my case .........I need to ZIp a text file and FTp that to another server..............

    DO u have ur solutions , Can u please post it here or email me.......

    Help will be really appreciated............


  • Check the Zip Task. It is very easy to use.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • Not sure how big you files are but this as an Open Source

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