• Hi guys,

    Need some help, as I really do not understand XQUERY.

    I have this XQUERY, which is the purpose is to convert an image column in my SQL Server table ->

    "select cast('' as xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column(""image""))', 'varchar(max)') as [Image] from CompanyImage"


    The problem is this code seems to convert to base64 text string. I'm not really understand what is base64 text string, but I do not want this conversion, I want to remove the code 'cs:base64Binary' stuff.

    Something like this :

    "select cast('' as xml).value('sql:column(""image""))', 'varchar(max)') as [Image] from CompanyImage"

    but that statement give me error syntax.

    What is the correct syntax I should write ?


    Thanks in advance,






  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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