xpsql.cpp: Error 1909 from LogonUserW on line 515

  • Hi all

    We have recently been getting this error in some stored procs.

    Msg 50001, Level 1, State 50001

    xpsql.cpp: Error 1909 from LogonUserW on line 515

    A recompile or free proc cache does not work, the only solution ive found to date is a drop and re-create of the same proc. What worries me, is where else this is occuring and how did it start!? I have no nt event log error nor sqlserver error log messages. DBCC routines return blank in terms of possible corruption. Very strange indeed. Anyone else experienced this?

    Running SS2k EE SP2.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • Make sure you cleints are connectiogn and supplying the windows authencation information. If is then backup your server. Now try regsvr32 with the -u switch to unregister comnevnt.dll then register it with regsvr32. See what happens now.

    If nothing then try reinstalling SP2. If that does not fix then what are the users doing as this looks like the login process giving errors. This particular item LogonUserW in most MS applications is performaing domain logins. Also check out http://search.support.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?Catalog=LCID%3D1033%26CDID%3DEN-US-KB%26PRODLISTSRC%3DON&Product=&KeywordType=ALL&Titles=false&numDays=&maxResults=25&withinResults=&Queryl=xpsql&Query=xpsql&QuerySource=gsfxSearch_Query

    to see in any of these items help.

    Lastly, if nothing works you may have some dll that is corrupted in register and without knowing and if SP2 fails to correct you may need to perform a reinstall.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • Hi all

    This error can also occur if the proxy account's password expired, account is locked etc.



    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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