xp_smtp_sendmail error

  • I decided to test out xp_smtp_sendmail on a test server.  I can get it to email just fine from Query Analyzer as long as I don't make any references to any files.  When I do, I get an error saying that the file does not exist even though it does. 

    I'm using the following code sample to get the error.  It also produces the same error if I use @attachment with one file specified, and/or @messagefile. 

    exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail

        @FROM       = N'email@server.com',

        @FROM_NAME  = N'Giselle Valenzuela',

        @TO         = N'email@server.com',

        @priority   = N'HIGH',

        @subject    = N'Hello SQL Server SMTP Mail',

        @message    = N'Goodbye MAPI, goodbye Outlook',

        @type       = N'text/plain',

        @attachments = N'c:\Test2.txt;c:\Test.txt',

        @server     = N'email.server.COM'


    Here's the error I get:

    Error:  @attachments file "c:\Test2.txt" does not exist

  • Is that file in the C:\ directory of the server and not the client?  It needs to be or you need to use a UNC to have the server go to your client to get the attachment (\\myclientpc\filename--and the server would have to have permissions to access this directory)

  • Both files exist on the test server I'm using.  The SQL I posted (modified with more useful values of course), was run in a SQL Query Analyzer session on the server in question. 

    Should there be any reason why running this from Query Analyzer confuses the issue?

  • it is case sensitive.  try c:\test2.txt

  • the stored procedure is looking for it on the server's c drive when running through query analyzer.

  • The exact files' names are Test2.txt and Test.txt.  So changing the case of Test2.txt to test2.txt will not help if it's case sensitive. 

    Both these files are located in the C:\ directory of the server that I'm running the script on. 

  • when I tested it on my server I got the same error but when I changed it to c:\test2.txt it gave me an error on the file Test.txt. I changed that one as well and it worked just fine.  Maybe you could try changing the name of the file on the server to be all lower case as well. 

  • just to be certain try

    master..xp_cmdshell "dir c:\test2.txt"

    to see if your sqlserver session really does see/have permissions to the directory.

    If it does... Idunno. It's a 3rd party thing... mayby try full UNC path anyway.



  • I now have to recant my post about the sp being case sensitive.  I tested file location (server vs. client) at the same time and that was the piece that caused it to fail.  Sorry for the red herring.

  • When I run master..xp_cmdshell "dir c:\Test.txt"

    I get the following recordset:

    Volume in drive C has no label.

    Volume Serial Number is 48C9-F18C


     Directory of c:


    File Not Found


    I tried the xp_cmdshell function above on a different server.  It brought back information for the file.  I'm going to try adding attachments on that server. 

  • If the admin share is there and you have access to it it would be \\server\c$ otherwise you will need to create a share to access. Security concious admins remove the c$ share. I used c:\test.txt and it worked ok for me.  Since John's suggestion also shows no file it does seem like a permission error.

  • If it didn't give you an error on "dir c:\..." just file not found, then the file isnt there or it is hidden.  The path is there.

    Make sure what server you are running on, triple check that the file you're talking about is where you think it is, the DIR command says c:\ is there but the file isn't.

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