XML Openrowset column Issue

  • Morning ,

    I'm having an issue returning any records from an xml file,  using an Openrowset query. My purpose is to insert the data from the xml file into a table.

    When I run the openrowset select portion of the query, I can get the xml data to return in xml format, so I know its reading the file correctly , but when I add the select to get the data in table column format the Query returns blank.

    Could you advise what I'm missing here , I've looked at the syntax and looked at other examples and I'm not sure where the issue is.

    Thank you

    A.REPORT.query('week_date').value('.','nvarchar(50)') as week_date,
    A.REPORT.query('well_count').value('.','numeric') as well_count,
    A.REPORT.query('frac_operator').value('.','varchar(50)') as frac_operator,
    A.REPORT.query('pressure_pumper').value('.','varchar(50)') as pressure_pumper,
    A.REPORT.query('shale_basin').value('.','varchar(50)') as shale_basin,
    A.REPORT.query('state_county').value('.','varchar(50)') as state_county,
    A.REPORT.query('crews_count').value('.','numeric') as crews_count,
    A.REPORT.query('county_name').value('.','varchar(50)') as county_name,
    A.REPORT.query('state_code').value('.','varchar(50)') as state_code

    Select cast(c as xml) From openrowset(BULK 'C:\temp\testreport.xml',SINGLE_BLOB) as T(c)
    )as S(c)
    cross apply c.nodes('REPORTS/REPORT') as A(REPORT)




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  • because your node names is not reports/report but RECORDS/RECORD

    cross apply c.nodes('/RECORDS/RECORD') as A(REPORT)

  • Unreal !!

    I wont tell you how much time I spent on this.....double checked everything, but didn't see that -  Couldn't see the wood for the trees.

    Thank you so much.

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