XML node queries

  • All,

    I'm trying to import XML using t-sql for the first time. I've created the following example to base my questions on:

    declare @xml xml

    select @xml='
    <person id="1">
    <person id="2">
    T.c.value ('id[0]','varchar(255)') AS id,
    T.c.value ('name[1]','varchar(255)') AS name,
    T.c.value ('address1[1]','varchar(255)') AS address1
    FROM @xml.nodes('/people/person') T(c)

    Firstly the above retrieves the child elements, name and address1, OK but I can't work out how to access the ID attribute? I realise that varchar isn't the best data type for the ID, I'm planning to change that later.

    Secondly I've not seen an alias with a bracketed part before (I'm referring to T(C)  ). I've tried searching to find out more about it but with no success. Is there a keyword that will help me search?

    Lastly if I've approached importing XML, via t-sql, in the wrong way then any advice is welcome. I saw that it can also be done using openxml but I think using nodes is the more modern and preferred option?


  • I solved the first question as follow:

    T.c.value ('id[0]','varchar(255)') AS id,

    needs to be:

    T.c.value ('@id[1]','varchar(255)') AS id,

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