XML Import

  • I am sent on a weekly basis an XML File with Order Data

    I need to select certain nodes and import into SQL 2K and/OR SQL 2k5

    So far everything I try fails, mostly due to my little knowledge of XMl

    I do know I don't want to import as XML but from XML

    Any sites??  and code ?? any help appreciated


  • I had to figure out how to do something like this in SQL2000, there may be a better way now so someone will be along RSN to point it out...

    I use the following to open the XML, the actual text of the XML is already in the variable @xmlDoc


    sp_xml_preparedocument @xmlDocPointer OUTPUT, @xmlDoc

    Then I can extract a list of items with:

    SELECT Char(9) + fieldkey + ':' + Char(9) + isnull(value, 'Null') + char(13) + char(10) FROM OPENXML(@xmlDocPointer, N'//field[@key][@infoType="risk"]') WITH(fieldkey nvarchar(50) 'attribute::key/text()', value nvarchar(50) 'node()')

    Or an individual populated row with:

    SELECT BusinessName, Salutation, Surname FROM OPENXML (@xmlDocPointer, N'/') WITH ( BusinessName nvarchar(255) '//field[@key = "Business"]', Salutation nvarchar(5) '//field[@key = "Title"]', Surname nvarchar(50) '//field[@key = "Surname"]')

    Then free up memory with:


    sp_xml_removedocument @xmlDocPointer

    'field', 'key', 'infoType' and 'risk' are all bits of my xml document

    This may not be best for you, I needed to deal with one record at a time so it was fine for me.

  • that's the same thing i used on 2000

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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