Wrong result set returned when executing a query!

  • Hi all,

    Very strange problem here which I don't quite understand!

    A colleague had two plain SELECT Queries. Nothing special, both just SELECT * FROM <TableName>.

    Now, when he ran the first query, he'd get the second query's resultset and vice versa. On occasion however, it returned the correct resultset. It just seemed random and it was only that session.

    I logged his activity in profiler and everything was normal. Whichever query he ran, was displayed in profiler.

    Were running SQL Server 7 and SP3.

    Now that we closed the session we have not been able to reproduce this. Anyone seen this before?!


    Clive Strong


  • I have not but specifically what were the queries?

    He should not have been able to see query 1's results set in place of running query 2 unless maybe there was some network issue going on and buffers were being unsynced, be the control flow mechanism should not have allowed this without discarding the packets and throwing an error. If that is the case then I would suggest it could occurr in the future on his machien or the server, you may want to try reinstalling the NIC drivers on his local machine as that is the only place I could think only he would be affected. That is an odd glitch to have occurr.

  • We did have a similar problem once - many moons ago. Seems that our interface had somehow cached the call...but I cannot remember much about it. I've never been able to purposely reproduce an environment to show it to anyone else. If you can, it would be interesting to know how.


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