Windows NT authentication for SQL

  • We have a application in vb6 on sql2K. We want to use mixed mode for sql authentication.It works fine for nt and windows when we are in single tier ir on terminal server .

    When we want to use the same application on three tier it works fine for sqlserver authentication but it does not work for window authentication. It gives error:

    Login failed for NTAuthority/Anonymous Logon.

    We are using DCOM for multitier.

  • When you do the 3 tier, the MTS login must have an account on SQL Server. Have you checked this?

    Steve Jones

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    We don't have MTS .we are using only DCOM to connect.

    We have client machine(dll's and exe) that is connected to the second machine through DCOM . The second machine has exe's as well as sql installed.

  • Usually when you connect through a COM object, the object proxies the user account. In other words, the user account is not used to connect to SQL Server, the account under which the object is running is used.

    I am not sure with DCOM, but I think that this will inherently run under the MTS account under W2K. Not sure about NT.

    Steve Jones

  • Might take a look at DCOMCNFG.exe. Its a jungle though.


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