Windows Authentication problem

  • Not sure if this is a Reporting Services problem or someother issue but here goes:

    Doing a proof of concept setup of RS so my managers can decide if they wish to move in that direction.  Have it installed on a development server that is a web server, SQL server, domain controller as well.  Have created two local users on the server: ReportViewer and ReportAuthor.  Here is the odd problem.....

    If I do not make these local Users members of the Administrator group, the windows authentication window pops on just about every page click (when accessing Report Manager remotely) .  In fact it is neccessary to click OK 3 times before the page is displayed (or, if you have discovered the short cut, to click cancel after having first successfully logged in).

    If I make the users members of the Built-in Administrators group, the Authentication box displays only once.  In fact, the next time you open the browser to Report Manager, it appears to be remembering your credentials from your last visit and does not display the Authentication dialog.

    My manager so far likes RS, with the exception of the annoyingly repetitive Authentication challenge.  Please help as a I am anxious to deploy RS .



    Gordon Pollokoff

    "Wile E. is my reality, Bugs Bunny is my goal" - Chuck Jones

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  • Reporting services uses Windows Authentication as a default.  Having the dialog pop 3 times is not normal.  Usually it pops once and then remembers you for future reports on the same session.

    Although, I'm not sure exactly what your issue is, make sure the domain accounts of the users are defined in RS.

  • Are you using stored credentials for your data source?

    Since you are in the dev environment Try creating a seprate sql account that has access rights to the SQL DB's and use that as stored credentials for your reports.


    Make sure that once you have added the account to SQL Security that you grant access to the necessary db's




  • I found the source of the problem.  The Report Manager pages were accessing other directories that the users did not have rights to.  Giving the users rights to there directories resulted in a single sign on.  Problem solved.

    Gordon Pollokoff

    "Wile E. is my reality, Bugs Bunny is my goal" - Chuck Jones

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