Will SQLServerCentral.com have a group on LinkedIn.com?

  • I am curious if Steve, or someone else at SQLServerCentral.com will create a group on LinkedIn.com so that we may all join, network, and otherwise look cool.


  • I could do that. Not sure I want tons of requests to join, but I'll look at see if there's an automatic way to do it.

  • looks like there is a group now

    one of my contacts just joined and i sent a request as well

  • We've got a group. I typically process the requests on Fridays, so you might wait a week to get added.

  • i'm in, thx

    just hope you are going to keep the open networkers who have nothing to do with SQL out of it. i'm in a few groups with them and you have to skip the first few pages just to get to the people that belong in there

  • Not sure how I can do that. It's hard to vet someone on a group like we have.

    Please send possible issues to me and I'll look into them.

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