Width of screen view - QOD

  • When I view the Question of the Day (QOD) screen, the width of the text extends past the right of my window. This causes the menu bar text to be mostly unviewable until I scroll to the right. Could you either adjust the QOD screen to have all the text within the window, or move the menu bar items to the left side?



  • Articles do this too.  Hate it.  Best work around for articles is to view printer format.  But all the the page formats should not be wide.

  • This has been annoying me forever. They really should improve the flexibility of the site layout. It should be easily fixed.

    The columns in the QOD table seem to use a percentage width, but the table as a whole has no set width, neither pixel or screen percentage.

    On the home page, the article summaries run to the right edge because the table is defined as 100% width.

    The articles run to the right edge as they are untagged without any formatting or parent tag. In fact, the article pages are rather malformed, though within browser tolerances for HTML.

    I suspect that the editors are using some older tools to develop the content and are aiming for least common denominator html rather than something a bit more friendly and attractive.

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