Why Standards are Important

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Why Standards are Important

  • A couple of decades back we created a standards document for developers creating applications using SQL Server.  We had a meeting with the developers to go over the document.  It was practical and included many good tips.  It went into the share where a few other development standard documents are stored.

    In the standard my boss included a line similar to "If you are reading this, contact so-and-so.  The first to respond will get a cash prize."  A year later my boss withdrew the offer.  You can lead a developer to the share, but you can't....

    I liken it to the Back to School movie.  "Call me when you have no class."  Or some other movie where a person went to a university seeking knowledge and the head of the school said, "And you came here?".  I'm months away from retirement.  I'm tempted to respond, "We have no standards here."

    RandyHelpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

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