Why cant I expand the databases folder in EM?

  • I am working with sql server 2000 EM, via client tools install, and am trying to gain access to a database hosted in another domain than my machine is on. When I first installed client tools on my machine, I registered the server via EM and everything worked great, I was able to expand the databases folder and access the db. Now I am not able to expand the folder. When I click the + sign, my cursor switches to the hourglass and thats it. Nothing ever happens. When it worked at first, it only took approx. 10-15 sec. to expand. I have already uninstalled/reinstalled client tools to no avail. I am at my wits end on this one.

    Please help!


  • what type of authentication are you using? i assume its SQL server authentication?

    is it the sa username ?

    has anyone been messing with your permissions on the target server?

    if you leave it for ages does the server return the message "Lock timeout period exceeded"?


  • also try connecting to the server using Query analyser and run the command


    this should show you if anything is blocking your request.


  • I am using sql authentication. I have been working with the dba that set up the database for me and he says nothing has been altered with my permissions. He also examined the connection states as I was attempting to expand the folder and determined that my connection was NOT in a wait state. I am making a connection just fine. Everything appeared to have executed just fine on the server side.

    I have let the hourglassed cursor remain for about 30 minutes but have not seen the "Lock timeout period exceeded" message. When I try to close EM or click anything else, "(NOT RESPONDING)" appears in the uppermost title bar.

    I have ran sp_who2. How do I use the results to see if my connection was blocked? (results for my connection are below)

    63    sleeping   Med_CME_user   M95695     .  master AWAITING COMMAND 204 0 07/01 10:21:51 MS SQLEM                     63  

  • can you post the whole of the who2 command - your process is not being blocked, but i wonder if there is something else being blocked??

    are other users struggling to connect remotely?

    have you tried using another username and password? - just to check if there is a permission error


  • also worth checking if any new software has been installed on your machine and if windows update has been run.

    maybe the MDAC has been changed in some way?????


  • It has to be a problem with my machine because I just had another person in my dept. connect using the same username and password I am using, no problems at all. Yes, windows update has been ran since I first successfully connected and now. How can I troubleshoot mdac? Is it an uninstall/reinstall thing or...?

  • Just for giggles I would make sure that you are connecting to the server via TCP/IP and not Named Pipes (if in same LAN else the other way around for WAN)

    You can check this with the client network utility tool in the SQL Server program group


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • ok - have you installed something like XP service pack 2? this apparently tightens security - i wonder if it's done something stupid like block port 1434 or 1433

    if not then you can download an MDAC checker from microsoft

    or alternatively go to microsoft.com and download mdac 2.6 (which i know for a fact is good on NT,2000 and XP)


  • I have done some checking on mdac. It appears that since I'm running Windows XP Pro, MDAC version 2.7 SP1 on Windows XP SP1 should be on my machine. I downloaded mdac checker and it says that version 2.8 RTM is installed. Could this be the problem?

  • To anyone that ever has this same problem!

    I was correct in that my mdac installation was corrupt. Not sure how it became corrupt but I reloaded windows xp pro and I am now able to expand the databases folder. I did some research on how to fix a corrupted mdac on Windows xp and found that it comes embedded within the operating system (xp). There was no fix for it except to reinstall the os. My recommendation to all, do NOT mess with your mdac at all, this includes updating it, unless you absolutely have to. Even then, do your homework first!!

    Thanks to all who tried to help me with this, I truely appreciate your time and effort!

    David Mixon

  • you can usually reinstall your MDAC from microsoft downloads.

    simply choose the version number you want and install.


  • That's not correct. You can upgrade MDAC's, but attempting to install an older MDAC will not downgrade. Removing MDAC's is a manual process; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/mdacsdk/htm/mdac_faq.asp?frame=true#mdac_faq_remove


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