where is my transaction log job

  • Sorry everyone, I did not notice the second page.

    Here is my result from the Exec command:

    Volume in drive \\datadev01\d$ has no label.

    Volume Serial Number is FC25-601B


    Directory of \\datadev01\d$\DBA\Thitesting


    12/01/2009 04:26 PM 1,919,488 DBA.bak

    1 File(s) 1,919,488 bytes

    0 Dir(s) 153,958,805,504 bytes free


    \\datadev01 is a share netword drive between 2 servers. I had no problem moving files between the two server as myself or as SQL agent.

  • Is that the result from the xp_cmdshell? If so, the path appears to be valid. It should be the DB Engine service account that reads the file. Can you try renaming that file and see if the job runs?

  • rename the backup file still give me the same error. The only thing that worked is choosing the 3rd option (database restored and initialized). I had not try the 2nd option yet.

  • Could it be your SQL server is running under a non-domain account (e.g. local system) and has no rights to access the UNC path?

  • Sorry everyone, I was not able to work on this yesterday.

    I ran it as myself (admin right on both servers) and had the same problem as I ran it as SQL Agent (who is a domain account and has admin right on both servers as well).

  • Firstly, can I suggest you create a specific file share for your backups. Why? It gives clarity to its use and the $ Shares should not be used for day-to-day admin tasks.

    Regarding the share. Check your share permissions as well as the folder permissions just in case you have something set to read only.

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