When a successful restore isnt

  • Back to old Technology time.

    I'm restoring a valid backup set under SQL 7 (sp3) using the Enterprise Manager forcing over the original. The Database is around 3.5Gb and the Log around 650Mb.

    Everything appears to be OK and the EM says that the Restore was completed sucessfully. The result however is somewhat different. The Databae although show in the EM can not be accessed - complains that the database does no longer exist and once I refresh the Database list - it disappears completely!

    By checking sysdatabases I can confirm that it's gone. The physical files remain on the Disk. I have also tried this on a similar SQL 7 Server with the same result.

    Has anyone come across this before?

  • Haven't seen this. Course, I haven't restored a v7 db in quite some time.

    Are you restoring through the GUI or with T-sQL? I might try TSQL to see if any weird message comes across. Also, once it's restore, before accessing it, look through master.dbo.sysdatabases. If it still doesn't work and you need this, I'd go call PSS at MS.

  • You might try sp_attach_db and see if you can reattach the database.

  • Sorry its taken such a long time to finish this post. Issue was caused by dll issues. My original machine used SQL7 Enterprise Manager and then was Upgraded to SQL2K Enterprise Manager.

    After having had my machine rebuilt and installing just SQL2K Enterprise Manager - all worked fine.

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