Whats Wrong?

  • Hello...i have trouble trying to create this table.

    Can someone tell me what's wrong with it?

    create table users


    user_id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,

    username varchar(15) not null,

    password varchar(8) not null,

    fullname varchar(50) not null,

    stud_id varchar(10) not null,

    intake varchar(9),

    email varchar(60),

    major varchar(60),

    date_reg date,



    would greatly appreciate it!!

    eat when you can and not when you cannot.

  • You just need to make it SQL Server specific..

    create table users


    user_id int  not null identity primary key,

    username varchar(15) not null,

    password varchar(8) not null,

    fullname varchar(50) not null,

    stud_id varchar(10) not null,

    intake varchar(9),

    email varchar(60),

    major varchar(60),

    date_reg datetime,


    identity is the equivalent of auto_increment

    no unsigned int in SQL Server...int takes values from -2^31 to 2^31 -1

    no only-date data type in SQL Server (as yet)...you'll need to use datetime (accuracy to 1/300 of a second) or smalldatetime (accuracy to 1 minute)....

    if you've got BOL (Books online) then a search on data types will give you loads of info....


  • hey...thanks

    will go and try it out!


    eat when you can and not when you cannot.

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