What to use, Loop or cursor

  • I have a sql server situation where I do not know what to use, I am new to sql server and do not know how construct it.My data is as such

    Account datetrans uniqueID TranAmount TranBal

    AAA111 4/2/2012 1001 50.00 65.00

    AAA111 4/30/2012 1002 10.00 65.00

    AAA111 4/30/2012 1003 5.00 65.00

    AAA111 4/30/2012 1004 10.00 65.00

    AAA111 4/30/2012 1005 10.00 65.00

    what i need to do is sum the TranAmount till it equals the tranbal so i would need the first 3 records then to pull out the record ID 1003.

  • Something like this?

    with CTE as (






    table inner


    inner.UniqueId <= outer.uniqueid

    ) agg


    table outer







    agg = TranBal

    In SQL Server 2012 I would have used framing.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

    Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL[/url]

  • according to BOL this should work with SQL2008..

    select *

    , SUM ( TranAmount ) over ( partition by Account order by Account, datetrans, uniqueID ) as RunTranAmount

    from yourtable

    order by Account, datetrans, uniqueID

    however, on my SQL2008R2DE SP1 CU7 (10.50.2817.0) it doesn't :crying:

    ( I upgraded this morning and have to double check for bug )


    This one works :w00t:


    with cteRNK

    as (

    select *

    , rank() over ( partition by Account order by Account, datetrans, uniqueID ) as RNK

    from #t


    select T.Account

    , T.datetrans

    , T.uniqueID

    , T.TranAmount

    , T.TranBal

    , SUM(R.TranAmount) RunTranAmount

    from cteRNK T

    inner join cteRNK R

    on R.Account = T.Account

    and R.RNK <= T.RNK

    group by T.Account

    , T.datetrans

    , T.uniqueID

    , T.TranAmount

    , T.TranBal

    order by T.Account

    , T.datetrans

    , T.uniqueID


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  • It would have helped us respond to you quicker if you'd kindly posted a table create and data insertion SQL. It would also have cleared up any assumptions about the data types eg.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sss](

    [Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal) values

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-2', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)

    I haven't bother to create a clustered index on the uniqueID column but good practice says you should.

    It's also a good idea to use date formats that are not country or culture specific.

    Anyway, here's the way I would do it without using cursors ;-);


    @maxID int = 0,

    @id int = 0,

    @runningTotal numeric(18,2) = 0,

    @tranBal numeric(18,2) = 1

    select @maxID = MAX(uniqueID) from dbo.sss

    while (@runningTotal <> @tranBal) and (@id <> @maxID)


    select top 1 @id = uniqueID , @runningTotal += TranAmount, @tranBal = tranBal

    from dbo.sss

    where @id < uniqueID

    order by uniqueID asc


    select @id accountID

    This loop gives you the option to do any further processing required.

    If the uniqueID is really all you want you can simply execute this

    select uniqueID

    from dbo.sss s

    where (

    select SUM(TranAmount) runningTotal

    from dbo.sss

    where uniqueID <= s.uniqueID) = TranBal



  • Derek Robinson (6/20/2012)

    It would have helped us respond to you quicker if you'd kindly posted a table create and data insertion SQL. It would also have cleared up any assumptions about the data types eg.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sss](

    [Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal) values

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-2', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)

    I haven't bother to create a clustered index on the uniqueID column but good practice says you should.

    It's also a good idea to use date formats that are not country or culture specific.

    Anyway, here's the way I would do it without using cursors ;-);


    @maxID int = 0,

    @id int = 0,

    @runningTotal numeric(18,2) = 0,

    @tranBal numeric(18,2) = 1

    select @maxID = MAX(uniqueID) from dbo.sss

    while (@runningTotal <> @tranBal) and (@id <> @maxID)


    select top 1 @id = uniqueID , @runningTotal += TranAmount, @tranBal = tranBal

    from dbo.sss

    where @id < uniqueID

    order by uniqueID asc


    select @id accountID

    This loop gives you the option to do any further processing required.

    If the uniqueID is really all you want you can simply execute this

    select uniqueID

    from dbo.sss s

    where (

    select SUM(TranAmount) runningTotal

    from dbo.sss

    where uniqueID <= s.uniqueID) = TranBal



    FYI, your code fails if dateformat is set to dmy:

    set dateformat dmy;


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sss](

    [Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into dbo.sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal) values

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-2', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '2012-4-30', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)


    select * from dbo.sss;


    drop table dbo.sss;


  • The following will work with both mdy and dmy:

    set dateformat mdy;


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sss](

    [Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into dbo.sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal) values

    ('AAA111', '20120402', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)


    select * from dbo.sss;


    drop table dbo.sss;


    set dateformat dmy;


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sss](

    [Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    insert into dbo.sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal) values

    ('AAA111', '20120402', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)


    select * from dbo.sss;


    drop table dbo.sss;


    set dateformat mdy;


  • Thanks for improving the code, Lynn. It's 11 pm here in the UK and I'm using that as an excuse.

  • How about something just a tad more interesting?


    ([Account] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [datetrans] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [uniqueID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [TranAmount] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL,

    [TranBal] [numeric](18, 2) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    insert into #sss (account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal)


    ('AAA111', '20120402', 1001, 50.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1002, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1003, 5.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1004, 10.00, 65.00),

    ('AAA111', '20120430', 1005, 10.00, 65.00)

    DECLARE @RTRow NUMERIC(18, 2) = 0.00

    ;WITH s AS (

    SELECT account, dateTrans, uniqueID, TranAmount, TranBal

    ,n=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY uniqueID)

    FROM #sss)

    UPDATE s

    SET uniqueID = uniqueID

    ,@RTRow = CASE WHEN @RTRow + TranAmount = TranBal THEN uniqueID

    WHEN @RTRow + TranAmount > TranBal THEN @RTRow

    ELSE @RTRow + TranAmount END

    SELECT ID2MatchTranBal=CAST(@RTRow AS INT)

    DROP TABLE #sss

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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